2011年6月5日 星期日

The No-Fuss Guide to Collecting Extended Unemployment Benefits

Stressed as your last unemployment benefit collection is drawing near? Are you still facing job loss and utterly hopeless? Stop stressing yourself out because now the US government has now found a way to give out some unemployed help for those who are still facing unemployment despite the measure made. Here are is a no fuss guide to collecting extended unemployment benefits.

Collecting Extended Unemployment benefits is available for those who live in states that have an unemployment rate of 6% or more and is still unemployed. This program offers an additional 13 weeks to your existing benefits, making it a total of around 33 weeks all in all. Still there are also other states that have held back or even totally removed it hoping to motivate the people to find work sooner. See what's what in your state and from there we move on to the next step.

Let's say that luckily your state still offers extended unemployment benefits to those who are found eligible. This is definitely good news since added benefits also mean more time to go job hunting. The downside is the whole filing process, which can sometimes get a tad too confusing.

First thing to do is wait for the official notice from your state unemployment office notifying you that your period of receiving benefits are up. Up until then, all you can do is wait for that time. Do not get too excited and started to file for one even when you haven't received any official notice yet.

Upon receiving the official notice you can now start the application process. If you want to do it the conventional way, then go to your nearest unemployment office and ask for the forms that will be needed to file for extended unemployment benefits. Fill these as accurately as you can. Here, perfection is key. Every detail written down should be correct, with not misspelled words or missed information.

Preparing all the documents that you think you might need will save you both time and money. Just in case some documents are needed you can comply with them right away since they have already been prepared.

The possibility that your application will be denied is always present. In case something like this happens, you can always make an appeal for them to reconsider. This process is more complex as compared to this, but that is an entirely different story.

Collecting extended unemployment benefits is a gift to those who are experiencing a longer period of job loss than expected. Availing of government programs such as this will greatly help you get back on track even with the threat of unemployment always present.

R. Trammel feels fortunate to bring financial recovery to those who are laid off, downsized, and unemployed. However, R. Trammel, a paralegal at Allmand and Lee, believes those affected by the radical change in the economy can protect their assets during these difficult times, until they are able to re-establish a stable income..

Rance witnesses the struggles and heavy burdens of unemployment through his clients' experiences, he knows that it is about more than just financial calamity. In the blog Secrets About Unemployment, he writes, with emphasis, on the great future that lies beyond unemployment, and the legal implications of the common proactive steps that unemployed people can take. He covers everything tax-related topics, to post-resignation depression, the effects on the family unit, and personal finances.

2011年6月4日 星期六

10.2 Percent? Would the Real Unemployment Rate Please Stand Up

Today, the federal government released statistics showing that the unemployment rate rose to 10.2%-- more than expected. Unfortunately for the United States, that number, while grim for many, doesn't remotely reflect the true unemployment. The jump past 10% was attributed to changes in teen unemployment and the self-employed. Although many economists were surprised by the leap, it shouldn't have come to a shock to anyone who really understands the unemployment figures. Anyone that delves into the Bureau of Labors Statistics (BLS) statistics, the organization that calculates official unemployment, would know that the true unemployment rate likely lies somewhere between 17% and 22%.

Both families and individuals need to make smart decisions about their spending as the government and the press paints a picture of a recovering economy. The government has a vested interest in consumers opening up their pocketbooks to get the economy going again. However, if such spending is done on credit, as was the case for the first seven years of this decade, households will only find themselves further behind in the future. The recent stimulus programs including Cash for Clunkers and the recently extended Homebuyer tax credit take the two largest debt producing transactions and incentivize them with a relatively modest 3% to 18% contribution from the federal government.

It is smart for the government because the sales and income taxes generated at the state and local level make all governments as a whole even on the transaction. Since the Federal government would likely have to bail out some of the states, particularly California, such programs allow the government to make a tax transfer indirectly instead of providing additional grant funds or emergency loans. But if consumers were fully aware of the state of unemployment, would they be so eager to buy a house or an automobile?

The official unemployment statistics give a relatively rosy picture of America. Simply interpreted, one would think that 9 out of every 10 Americans are employed. That thinking is completely erroneous and fails to understand the nuances of the governments' statistics. In order to fully understand how unemployment is calculated, one needs to first know its official definition. The official BLS definition of employment is:

Persons are classified as unemployed if they do not have a job, have actively looked for work in the prior 4 weeks, and are currently available for work.

Such a definition is open to a significant amount of interpretation and most importantly excludes those who have given up all hope of getting a job. The BLS also requires specific evidence that someone has been looking actively for a job, in absence of such evidence, the individual is considered to be "Not in the Labor Force". If large numbers of unemployed persons were not being counted, one would expect to see a surge in those "Not in the Labor Force". Such a dramatic increase has been occurring since the 1990s and has only accelerated in recent years. The table below is taken from the BLS Household data annual and most recent month averages and gives a picture of the growth in NILF each decade.

BLS Not In Labor Force (Millions of Persons)

Start Year Start NLF End Year End NLF Change % Change

1980 59.9 1989 62.5 2.6 4.3%

1990 62.5 1999 68.4 5.9 9.4%

2000 68.4 2009 82.6 14.2 20.8%

While their may be demographic reasons for these increases, such as women actively exiting the workforce due to personal choice or economics, the magnitude of the surge in the last 9 years exceeds any known demographic trends. In addition, the wave of baby boomers that are likely to retire early is just getting started. The BLS did mention in their press release that the marginally attached (which are really unemployed) rose from 0.7 a year ago to 2.4 million last month, but this is just a fraction of the increase. Assuming a constant rate of growth in NILF based on the trend of the 1990s, which itself may have been elevated, unemployment would likely be nearly 5 percentage points higher. Fifteen percent unemployment would certainly raise eyebrows both here in the United States and investors overseas. Unfortunately, the real numbers are significantly worse.

Amongst the 154 million plus employed workers are 21 million government workers. The government workers mask higher unemployment rates in the private sector. On the whole, there has not been a decrease in government sector employment since the Recession started, and this has been accomplished by Federal deficit spending and unsustainable maneuvers at the state and local level. If those workers are excluded from the calculations, private sector unemployment would be at 17.4%. If there is going to be a drag on the official numbers in the future, it will come from the government sector as state and local governments finally have to come to terms with declining revenues and run out of accounting gimmicks to tie them over. Such as process has already started at the local level and will move to the states. Eventually the Federal government will need to succumb to the reality of ballooning deficits and trim some areas of their employment.

What has started to backfire on the government statistics, and was noted by many journalists, is the inclusion of self-employed workers in the employed ranks. Unlike W-2 employees who are more likely to receive a pink slip than a 50% cut in salary, self-employed workers can see their income nearly vanish while still technically being considered employed. Until September, there was virtually no reduction in the self employed figures which should have been a warning sign to anyone paying attention. Now as many self-employed are completely idled, they are showing up as officially unemployed. That trend is likely to continue driving unemployment statistics up further.

In addition to the self-employed, the BLS counts part-time workers as employed. Unlike full time employees, part-time employees have surged during the Recession and therefore have masked the extent of the problem. Part time employees have increased 50% from 6 million to 9.3 million in the last several years. Those 3 million employees represent another two percentage points that while not technically unemployed are not fully employed. As the BLS noted, they aren't choosing to be employed on a part time basis.

When taking into account all of the factors, the government could just as likely publish an unemployment figure of 17 to 22 percent. Such figures would be far more comparative to the statistics held earlier in the last Century. In many ways, such a statistic would be far more representative of the true state of affairs. Publishing the real numbers would likely set off a chilling response from foreign investors and result in far higher interest rates for the federal government. But there are serious consequences for not coming clean with these numbers. As a true recovery sets in, employment statistics may lag for years as people formerly classified as "Not in the Labor Force" are shifted to unemployed as they try to get a job. So while the government's statistics work in its favor on the front-end of a Recession, they may backfire during the Recovery.

Individuals and families who have not been directly affected by the Recession are currently sitting on their wallets and looking for the signal to start spending again. The smart ones will realize the true magnitude of the current unemployment problem and resist the temptations to incur additional debt until there is a true recovery. Given the real statistics and the coming massive retirements of Baby Boomers, prudent consumers would be better off building up their reserves, not for a rainy day, but for an extended storm the likes of which they have never seen before. It is not what the government would hope for, but it is certainly in consumers' best interest.

For other finance and economy related articles from this author visit http://www.LiveCheap.com/credit Omie Ismail is the CEO of Live Smart Media Inc. A successful software and information chief executive, Omie has a passion for helping people improve their personal finances by making better, smarter, and cheaper decisions. Through LiveCheap.com, Live Smart Media is able to help tens of thousands of people lower their cost of living while maintaining their standard of living.

Mr. Ismail previously was the Founder and CEO of eCivis Inc., a company he grew to the largest grant information and management company helping governments nationwide. eCivis' information software is used by the country's largest governments including the cities of Chicago, Los Angeles, and Houston. He is an expert on federal and state grants, Internet software, and growing startups. Mr. Ismail has an MBA from UCLA and a Bachelors of Physics from the University of Chicago. Mr. Ismail lives in Pasadena, CA.

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2011年6月3日 星期五

How to Apply For Unemployment

Are you ready to apply for unemployment?

If so, know the facts. First, employment is a state benefit, not federal, and therefore the qualifications and benefits vary widely from state to state. In many states (but not all) you can file over the internet, however, before you do, be sure you are filing correctly or you may receive a denial of claims.

First, you will likely need the following when you apply for unemployment:

- Dates you started and ended employment for the last two years

- Income earned. Note in many states certain professions are not eligible, i.e. outside real estate agents for example.

- Exact name and address and phone of your previous employer

- Federal Employer ID number (aka "EIN") as found on your paystub or W-2

- Mailing address, phone number

- Social Security number and Driver's License number (assuming you have one)

- Mother's maiden name for security access

- If military, your separation date.

Whether you are eligible depends on several factors. Generally, unemployment is awarded to those who became unemployed through no fault of their own, however, there are many exceptions. If you were fired or quit, you may still be eligible for unemployment benefits, depending on the nature of your dismissal. Such reasons for coverage in event of being fired, include missing work to prevent domestic abuse of minors, or loss of transportation when no suitable alternative exists (e.g. the bus), etc.

The maximum award is factored on your previous income. Generally, this can be up to about $16,000 as of 2008. To qualify, you must have worked (meaning cannot have been a student, or retired or otherwise not working). You must be physically and mentally able to work. If you have doctor's orders that you cannot work, do not apply for unemployment but instead look into social security or other agency assistance.

Once you apply for unemployment, it typically takes 2-3 weeks to receive your first check, assuming you are awarded unemployment benefits.

We have a collection of secrets, strategies, and common mistakes you can avoid to help you get maximum unemployment benefits when you apply for unemployment. First, review your separation package. You could be owed money from a severance package. In addition, many larger employers have "outplacement", in which they'll actively help you find new employment as a means to save them some money paying unemployment. Your severance package will also usually cover extension of key services your previous employer may have provided, such as health insurance, and how to roll over a 401k, 403b or other corporate retirement package.

One other crucial common mistake people make is letting the emotions of their severance block making the correct and best moves for the moment. One of the single most important moves to do as you apply for unemployment is to maintain social contact with your previous co-workers, as they can help you find a new position and provide a work reference. We recommend not withdrawing from these contacts out of anger or shame, but instead, actively work to keep key relationships alive and working to help you find new placement.

If you've found these tips helpful, be sure to check out the full 9-step unemployment system at http://www.Unemployment.ME It includes tips, tricks, and avoidable mistakes to help you apply for unemployment and get maximum award amounts, but also free info on unemployment grants, and a member's-only 9-step system to raise cash, secrets to finding and interviewing and negotiating an even higher salary than before, and much more.

Tom Vecchio has helped thousands of people file for unemployment. He researches unemployment benefits compensation denials and strategies and claims. Learn more at http://Unemployment.ME

2011年6月2日 星期四

Unemployment Rates Have Steadily Risen From July 07 to July 08!

Unemployment rates are rising at a very fast rate.

The US Unemployment Rate shows us the percentage of people that are considered to be unemployed. The Unemployment rate is the most popular way to give a snapshot of United States labor conditions. The Federal Reserve is always under very high pressure to try to keep unemployment under control. High unemployment rates generally put high pressure on the interest rates. There are several reasons that Unemployment affects the economy, first production, private consumption, workers earnings, and consumer purchase. With a lower unemployment rate employed individuals have pay checks, which leads to them spending money and you will have economic growth as well as happy consumers. High levels of unemployment are connected to lower incomes and lower spending which will cause economic stagnation.

Statistics from US Labor Dept.

In May of 2007 you had 152,350,000 people that were able to work with a 4.5% unemployment rate. In the same month in 2008 that number was 154,003,000 people were able to work with a 5.5% unemployment rate. This rate is expected to rise to more than 6.0% by the end of the year. On the first Friday of every month, the US Labor Department announces the unemployment rate for the previous month. This is probably the most reported piece of data that is widely used to be the single best indicator of labor market strength. Behind these single statistics are several million people. Each of the people that are unemployed is unemployed for their own reason. Some of them are young people, looking for their first job, older workers, who may have been laid off due to downsizing or they just quit voluntarily. Some of these people will be recalled after a short layoff, while others will end up with a new job.

How long will most be unemployed?

During the early 90's the average time to be unemployed was about five weeks. This figure jumped with the onset of the 1990 recession and rose to nine weeks by the end of 1993. During the early months of 1998, when the economy was booming the unemployment rate was still seven weeks. Is this a surprise to you, it may because the unemployment rate was only 4.1%.

In conclusion unemployment rates are at a rise since the early 1990's, with large companies downsizing trying to save money and the smaller business not hiring for the same reason. While you are at home looking for a job or filling out the different applications you can start your own online business. If you decide to start your own online business then you will be out of that unemployed status and you will be able to be a successful business person in the comfort of your own home.

John Fagan is a top internet marketer who works with industry leaders from around the world. He has a passion for helping others achieve their goals, dreams and aspirations. To learn more about John Fagan and his team Click Here.

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This CD is an out of print collectible! It is the original Mercury 1991 release. Track Listing: 1. Money Talks 2. Losers 3. Hard Times 4. Reality 5. Takin' Care Of Business 6. People Lie 7. Unemployment 8. Trouble In The City 9. Teardrops In My Tequila 10. Livin' Here Too


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2011年6月1日 星期三

Essential Home Security

Home Security Segment Hot as crime and unemployment rise. Very little competition in this e-book space. See great affiliate video-graphics-text support: http://www.homesecurityinsider.com/affiliates.html . Professionally written, illustrated, 106 pages.

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Payroll Mate 2006

Payroll Mate 2006Payroll MateR is a comprehensive payroll software that fits the needs of accountants and small to medium size businesses. Payroll Mate automatically calculates net pay, federal withholding tax, Social Security tax, Medicare, state and local taxes. Payroll Mate also supports different types of pay period, prints checks, prepares forms 941, 940-EZ, W2 and W3. This payroll software also supports user-defined Income, Tax, and Deduction categories making it very flexible and powerful.
A step by step, easy to follow wizard guides you through the company creation process.
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2011年5月31日 星期二

An Extension For Unemployment Benefits - What You Need to Know

What is an extension for unemployment benefits? How long does it last? How can you apply?

Traditional unemployment insurance lasts for 26 weeks. When there are high levels of unemployment in your state, it may be possible for you to receive an extension of benefits. A high level of unemployment is traditionally defined as a rate above 6%. Your state will notify you about applying for an unemployment extension when your traditional benefits are about to expire, and will be able to inform you as to the unemployment rate in your state.

As the name implies, an extension of benefits allows for a continuation of unemployment compensation payments above and beyond the initial 26 week period. There are two types of extended unemployment benefits: 1. Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) and 2. Extended Benefits (EB).

Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC)

Under EUC, the number of additional weeks you can receive will depend on the unemployment level in your state.
In states with unemployment rates above 6%, you will be eligible for an additional 33 weeks of benefits. If the unemployment rate in your state is below 6%, the extension of unemployment benefits is 20 weeks.
Emergency Unemployment Compensation is a result of legislation passed during 2008, and is set to expire at the end of 2009, unless Congress votes to extend it.

Extended Benefits (EB)

Extended Benefits (EB) offer an additional extension of benefits once EUC has been exhausted. Again, the length of time you will receive additional benefits depends on the level of unemployment in your state.
In states with unemployment rates above 6.5%, you will be eligible for an additional 13 weeks of unemployment compensation. And, if the unemployment rate in your state is above 8%, the extension of benefits is another 7 weeks (for a total of 20 weeks).

As mentioned, your state should notify you about applying for an unemployment extension when your traditional benefits are about to expire. To be safe, however, it is worth contacting your unemployment office to inquire about an extension a few weeks before your 26 week period of regular benefits is complete. In order to qualify for an extension, you will be asked to meet the same eligibility standards required for regular benefits.

In total, getting an extension for unemployment benefits makes it possible to receive up to 79 weeks of benefits (26 weeks of traditional benefits + 33 weeks of EUC + 20 weeks of EB) if you live in a state with a high rate of unemployment.

Carl Stevens is the author of Smart Unemployment. Visit http://www.SmartUnemployment.com/blog/ to learn more about how to get an extension for unemployment benefits. There, you will find helpful tips, and a detailed guide about how to file for unemployment insurance.

2011年5月30日 星期一

Sliding Doors

Sliding DoorsNice concept, shaky execution--that about sums up the mixed blessings of British actor Peter Howitt's intelligent but forgivably flawed debut as a writer-director. It's got more emotional depth than most frothy romantic comedies, and its central idea--the parallel tracking of two possible destinies for a young London professional played by Gwyneth Paltrow--is full of involving possibilities. It's essentially a what-if scenario with Helen (Paltrow) at the center of two slightly but significantly different romantic trajectories, one involving her two-timing boyfriend (John Lynch) and the other with an amiable chap (John Hannah) who represents a happier outcome. That's the film's basic problem, however: The two scenarios are so romantically imbalanced (one guy's a total cad, the other charmingly sincere) that Helen inadvertently comes off looking foolish and needlessly confused. Still, this remains a pleasant experiment, and Howitt's dialogue is witty enough to keep things entertaining. It's also a treat for Paltrow fans; not only does the svelte actress handle a British accent without embarrassing herself, but she gets to play two subtle variations of the same character, sporting different wardrobes and hairstyles in a role that plays into her glamorous off-screen persona. --Jeff Shannon

Price: $9.98

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I Graduated - Unemployment Line T-Shirt

I Graduated - Unemployment Line T-ShirtRunning Time: 175 minutes.


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2011年5月29日 星期日

Cash for the Jobless - Unemployment Loans

Employment figures threaten to reach double digits anytime. Could ten-million unemployed become a reality? Unemployment is so widespread that if you are not among the ranks, you know somebody who is. Unemployment is a huge stress to single individuals. People with homes and families really have it hard. The government has attempted to alleviate the suffering by extending unemployment benefits, offering subsidies, modification of mortgage programs, but these attempts at amelioration are often not adequate. Government help is barely able to cover immediate life expenses, forget about college for the kids, car repairs, or any unexpected need for cash. People fortunate enough to have had the wherewithal to tuck away for any emergency are watching their savings quickly decrease. Others are just on the verge of survival, homelessness being the next step.

Unemployment Loans

For those who did not have the ability to tuck away rainy-day cash, there may be some good news. Some lenders have shifted their focus to service the needs of those unemployed by the shrinking economy. A market certainly exists for these lenders. Loans to the unemployed are becoming more popular as unemployment rises. Lenders are relaxing their employment qualifications. Unemployment loans, similar to other personal loans, are offered in two forms: secured and unsecured.

Secured Unemployment Loans

Borrowers in general, not just those unemployed, perceive loans that have stringent collateral requirements as a negative sort of transaction. It stands to reason that many folks do not like risking homes or vehicles to secure a loan. Especially when the repayment is so contingent on the vagaries of unemployment. But, secured loans do have advantages over unsecured loans. They offer lower interest rates, better repayment terms, and more generous amounts.

Unsecured Unemployment Loans

Unsecured unemployment loans are most popular due to the less stringent requirements and less difficulty in getting one. Individuals who do not have home equity, because they rent or just recently purchased a home, use these most often. Despite the popularity of these sorts of loans, they do have a couple of serious drawbacks: High interest rates. Quick repayment terms. These are part of the deal because of the increased risk of default to the lenders.

Finding an Unemployment Loan

The lending marketplace has plenty of lenders who are now catering to the unemployed. By shopping around it is easy to find a loan that is ideally matched to your particular circumstance. And you should shop around because rates and terms vary widely from lender to lender. The internet is the best place to start your search for these loans. The companies there can usually get you an offer within minutes and you can get quotes from many different lenders without obligating yourself. Never take the first offer - shop. Online application can save time and legwork.

Beware of Some Unemployment Lenders

As we are all well aware, identity theft is on the rise. Be sure you are dealing with a legitimate lender and not some one who is just phishing for info to steal your identity. Criminals are generating legitimate-looking websites just to cherry pick personal and financial information. Research the company thoroughly before handing over any data. Check with the Better Business Bureau or state authorities. Read online reviews from borrowers who have had experiences with the lender. Just be careful. Unemployment is enough of a hassle without adding identity theft on top of it.

Mary Wise is a personal loan consultant who has been associated with Bad Credit Loans and has more than thirty years of experience in finances. She has helped a lot of people to obtain Fast Unsecured Loans, among many other products regardless of their credit situation. If you want to learn more you can visit her at BadCreditLoanServices.com

How to Get an Unsecured Unemployment Loan - Loans For the Unemployed

Being unemployed can make it difficult to borrow money as many lenders are unwilling to take a chance with someone who cannot prove their ability to repay them. Unsecured unemployment loans can help you keep your head above the water as you look for work with a new employer, or while you are receiving unemployment compensation benefits from the government or your former employer. Unsecured unemployment loans are relatively easy to get and can be obtained in amounts as great as $20,000.

Borrow The Money You Need Now

The requirements to get an unsecured unemployment loan are basically that you are a creditworthy individual who just recently became unemployed (within the last six months) and that you have a great deal of potential to find work again. The lender will look at your credit history closely to make certain that you have been a good steward of your available credit in the past, although there are also bad credit options available as well. The lender will want to see that you have a good record of employment, and that you have stayed with your past jobs for an adequate amount of time to show stability. The unsecured unemployment loan is a credit based product, but bad credit borrowers who have adequate employment history can also apply. For these borrowers, applying with a cosigner may be the best way to be approved, especially if they are seeking amounts greater than $5,000.

Be prepared to pay a slightly elevated rate of interest for the unsecured unemployment loan. From the stand point of the lender, this is a risky type of loan product - and the increased risk will also mean an increased amount of interest to compensate for it. Your unemployment loan may feature terms that have a monthly repayment schedule. Oftentimes, unsecured unemployment loans can be set up with payment deferrals for several months (as many as six with some lenders) in order to give you time to get back on your feet and start working again. When applying, be certain to find out upfront what the terms of your unsecured unemployment loan are so that you can budget accordingly.

Avoid Credit Card Use With This Type Of Loan

Many of the recently unemployed are happy to find that the unsecured unemployment loan is a great alternative to using high interest credit cards for everyday living expenses, groceries, and monthly bills during times of unemployment. Credit cards may carry as much as 20% interest - making them the worst idea for someone who is not working. Using credit cards for living expenses may mean that you will be paying on the utility bills for this month well into your golden years, in some cases. The unemployment loan is written to be easy to manage and easy to pay off completely, so that you can put this dark period of your life to rest.

Online Unsecured Unemployment Loans

Applying online for unsecured unemployment loans is the most expedient way to receive the funding you need now. Online lenders have special programs for the unemployed that allow them to enjoy the ability to borrow money, even with damaged or less than perfect credit, and under terms that are easy to understand and fit within their meager unemployment budgets.

Mary Wise is a personal loan consultant who has been associated with Bad Credit Loans and has more than thirty years of experience in finances. She has helped a lot of people to obtain Fast Unsecured Loans, home loans, car loans, unsecured credit cards and many other products regardless of their credit situation. If you want to learn more about Personal Loans you can visit her at BadCreditLoanServices.com

2011年5月28日 星期六

To Fight Or Not to Fight, a PEO Perspective on Unemployment Claim Challenges

Many business owners and managers have found themselves in a quandary over whether or not to fight an unemployment claim. Who is eligible? Who pays for a claim? How does this affect my business in the long run? Since it's your taxes that pay for unemployment benefits, it's in your best interest to become familiar with the how this program works. Here are some facts about unemployment that might just help to make the decision whether or not to fight a claim a little easier.

Who gets what? - Unemployment benefit payments are made to workers (claimants) who are temporarily unemployed through no fault of their own, and who are attempting to re-enter the labor force. As an employer, your unemployment taxes pay the entire cost of unemployment benefits paid. Unemployment taxes cannot be withheld from your employees' wages.

Only wages paid during a 12-month period, called the base period, are used in establishing unemployment benefit amounts. The base period is the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters prior to the date the claimant files for benefits.

The highest amount of wages paid in a quarter of the worker's base period determines the weekly benefit amount. The minimum weekly amount is $60, the maximum is $240.

The claimant may collect up to 26 weeks of benefits, or 1/3 of his/her total base period wages, whichever is less, during a benefit year - a 52-week period. The maximum amount that may be collected is $6240.

Now eligibility will depend on the reason the claimant left their last job. Whether the last job was your business or not doesn't matter. If they worked for you during the based period you may still receive a claim.

Remember, a claimant is only eligible for benefits if they become unemployed through no fault of their own. So keep good documentation on performance issues as it will help you in the long run.

The last straw! - Many employers believe that as long as they have historical documentation, it will help them win an unemployment claim. This may not be so. The unemployment claims administrator in your state will look at the final incident that caused the termination. For instance, if Joe had repeated write-ups in his file for attendance issues but the reason for termination was insubordination, Joe may just win his claim for unemployment benefits. Typically the claims administrator is going to want to see progressive discipline that leads to no other choice but termination. If Joe is going to be terminated for insubordination, make sure your documentation shows that he has been warned about this behavior but continued until it left you no choice.

But they QUIT! - If the claimant was discharged for misconduct or quit without good cause in connection with the work, benefits will be denied for as long as he/she is currently unemployed.

But what happens when an employee voluntarily quit with good cause in connection with the work? For instance:

o Sudden and complete change in work duties making it difficult to continue working

o Sudden change of workplace making travel distance unreasonably longer

o Unsafe work environment based on the employee's abilities

Examples like these may be reasons allowed by the Unemployment Administrator for payment of unemployment benefits.

Of course, many reasons may be subjective so it's a good idea to discuss possible changes to an employee's work environment or duties with your Human Resources Manager to discuss implications related to potential claims like unemployment.

To help avoid unemployment claims from employees who 'quit', have an accurate job description detailing current and even possible future duties. This will avoid surprises to the employee.

Screen your potential new hires carefully to make sure they are up for the job and flexible enough to switch duties or even locations in the future if necessary.

Now if your employee left work for a compelling personal reason not attributable to the employer, they may still be eligible but your account will not be charged.

Who pays for unemployment benefits? - Simply put, employers. When you pay taxes to the State Unemployment Tax Administration (SUTA), this money is put into an account to pay for possible future claims. If it is determined that a former employee is in fact eligible for benefits, this money is then charged to your account. You will receive quarterly reports detailing all the claims paid and how much was paid to each individual.

To Fight or not To Fight? - This is up to you. Our advice, FIGHT. Unemployment benefits were set up to assist individuals who found themselves unemployed through no fault of their own. In other words, if the employee was laid off due to a reduction in force, they had no control over the decision and would have probably continued providing satisfactory work for their employer if they had the chance. Furthermore, unemployment benefits were meant to assist these individuals to keep food on the table while they are 'actively' seeking other work. Benefits were not meant to be never ending or, to be a sole source of income.

If your former employee was terminated for cause, you should fight or dispute the claim. Here's how to do it:

1 - When you receive the claim, don't ignore it! You only have 10 days to respond so make this a priority.

2 - The form will ask you to verify the reason the individual became unemployed. If you told your employee that you were 'laying them off', you can not change your mind and list the reason as 'terminated'. This is why it is important to be straight with your workforce especially during a termination. If you are firing them, be clear with them and tell them that they are fired. Hey, it works for Don Trump.

3 - You will be asked to attach any supporting documentation. Here we go again with documentation. Attach write-ups and documentation of verbal warnings that will show progressive discipline leading to the termination. In other words, you will want to show the Unemployment Administrator that despite warnings and re-direction, your employee continued the unacceptable behavior leaving you no choice but to terminate them.

4 - Run it by your HR department. Have your HR Department assist you with fighting unemployment claims. They've just about seen it all and know how to properly file a dispute and win.

5 - Appeal? That's right, if you dispute a claim and benefits are denied to the individual, they may still appeal that decision. In that case, you will be invited to attend a hearing by phone or in person. Again, don't ignore it! You got this far, don't let a hearing scare you. Participate in the hearing and have your documentation and notes ready. Be honest and be specific. The hearing officer will then make a determination which becomes final. If benefits were paid to the individual and it is determined that they were not in fact eligible, they will be asked to pay that money back to your unemployment account.

John Rico, Director of Human Resources, National PEO, LLC. Basically what you are doing when you respond to an unwarranted unemployment claim is defending yourself against the claim that your employee became unemployed through no fault of their own. If this in fact is not the case, the answer to fight or not to fight becomes simple...FIGHT! It starts with E-Verify, if you ensure you verify the eligibility of the employee to start with, you're on the right path to stand your position.

2011年5月27日 星期五

Filing For Unemployment - 7 Tips For Making the Process Run Smoothly

Filing for unemployment doesn't have to be a difficult process. In fact, there are several things you can do to make it easier. If you're looking for unemployment help, take advantage of the following tips:

1. Start by figuring out where to file. When you're filing for unemployment, you should start with the state you worked in, even if you've moved since losing your job. If you worked in several states, your local unemployment office can tell you which state to file in.

2. Make sure filing for unemployment is something you're eligible to do. To qualify, you must be out of work through no fault of your own, like being laid off. You cannot receive unemployment checks if you were fired or quit on your own. In some states, you may have had to work for your former company for a certain amount of time.

3. See if you actually have to go to the unemployment office. In many states, filing for unemployment can be done online or over the phone. If you file from home, you may be able to skip a long line!

4. When you're filing for unemployment, you need to have a lot of personal information ready. In most cases, you will need to provide:

- Your address

- Your Social Security number

- Your driver's license number

- Your mother's maiden name (for security purposes)

- Information about your last employer, like the company's name, address, and phone number

- The tax ID for your last employer (which can be found on your W-2)

- How much money you made before getting laid off

- Employment information for the past two years

5. Find out if receiving unemployment checks means that you have to file for your state's job service. These services can be a big help, offering you job search resources for free at your local unemployment office. However, in some states, filing for unemployment also means you have to prove that you're applying for jobs and sending out resumes.

6. Keep current on your unemployment checks. Once you're done filing for unemployment, the benefits process doesn't end there. You will have to register online and file for your unemployment checks every week.

7. Keep everything in perspective. Filing for unemployment can be tedious, and your unemployment checks will not be nearly as high as your former salary. Plus, in most states, you can only receive unemployment checks for 26 weeks. In some cases, your unemployment benefits can be extended, but don't assume that an extension will be automatically approved.

Do you have questions about filing for unemployment? Let FileUnemployment.com be your one-stop unemployment resource! Whether you need unemployment benefits, help with your job search, or are thinking about going back to school, FileUnemployment.com has all the information you need.

2011年5月26日 星期四

Debt Consolidation for Unemployed: Fixing Numerous Debts

When the unemployed people accrue debts, it becomes particularly difficult for them to get any help in debt consolidation from regular loans. For regular loans, the case of unemployed people is far too perilous to be advanced any sum. Such borrowers get respite in debt consolidation loans for unemployed.

Debt consolidation loans for unemployed are similar to the regular personal loans; only that a few alterations are made to suit the unemployed people. Are the unemployed people complaining? No, since they would not have been able to get a regular loan from any of the high street banks. Certain loan providers may have used this as an opportunity to trick borrowers into paying a high rate of interest.

Is borrower insulated from such trickery when using debt consolidation loans for unemployed? Yes! A borrower can easily get information on prevailing rate of interest from loan experts. The loan experts will also educate borrowers about what to expect and what not to expect on debt consolidation loan for unemployed. Therefore, borrowers planning to take the loan can differentiate between a competitive deal and a not so competitive deal.

Borrowers must expect a high rate of interest on debt consolidation loans for unemployed. Two sets of bad credit remark are present on the credit file of unemployed. Firstly, the borrower is unemployed. Secondly, the borrower has accrued a large number of debts, which may transform into defaults, bankruptcy etc. The risk involved in dealing with the unemployed people is thus larger. This is the main reason for an increase in rate of interest in debt consolidation loans for unemployed.

Before you agree to take debt consolidation at the stated rate, it will be essential that adequate comparisons have been made. You may be unnecessarily filling the coffers of the loan provider by paying a higher rate of interest.

Use of collateral can help bring down the rate of interest by few points. Collateral is any asset on which borrower gives loan provider a right. For instance, if debt consolidation loan for unemployed has been taken against ones home, home is the collateral. Loan provider enjoys right or lien on house. He has the powers to demand liquidation of house to recover loan proceeds. This is in the event of non-repayment of loan. Until then borrower is free to stay in the house and of course pay taxes and other dues on house as earlier.

Another expected feature of debt consolidation loans for unemployed is the relatively low amount that is offered. Had it been for a regular loan, borrower would have obtained a much better amount. However, since the risk involved in lending to the unemployed people is larger, loan providers are not very generous in lending. Proper search can however help one find loans up to ones desired amount.

The proceeds of the debt consolidation loan for unemployed goes towards settlement of debts. As in debt consolidation loans from high street banks, debt consolidation help may not come free. However, if borrower feels that he lacks the necessary expertise to settle debts successfully, then they can contact IFAs. Independent financial advisors offer professional and independent advice. Their advice will go a long way in clearing the debt load from the borrower's shoulders.

Repayment of the debt consolidation loan for unemployed will depend on several factors. When debt consolidation loan for unemployed is secured on ones home, borrower has the chances of gaining term of repayment for as long as 25 years. The minimum term for which the debt consolidation loan is available is 5 years. Depending upon ones requirement, borrowers can either stretch the term or constrict it down.

Andrew baker has done his masters in finance from CPIT.He is engaged in providing free,professional,and independent advice to the residents of the UK.He works for the Secured loan web site loans fiesta for any type of loans in uk,secured loans,unsecured loans,Debt consolidation for unemployed please visit http://www.loansfiesta.co.uk

2011年5月25日 星期三

Getting Back To Work - The SC Unemployment Site

The state of South Carolina has initiated a novel idea of providing job security to unemployed people by publishing a website dedicated to SC unemployment. Being unemployed puts a lot of pressure on the person, especially if he or she has a family to look after. If the period of unemployment extends beyond a particular threshold, it becomes a matter of serious concern. Hence, what if you had more than one way of finding another job, train yourself better to compete with others, get counseled for a career change, or be able to afford some expenses while being out of work?

The SC Unemployment Office of the state of South Carolina has taken this initiative to equip the unemployed with information on various opportunities through its website. The website keeps the jobless and veteran job hunters apprised of the various job training services and job opportunities available. Once an unemployed person registers with the SC unemployment department, they regularly get inputs on jobs, job fairs across the country and so forth. They also provide resources to add value to the jobless and assist them in connecting with the employers.

The Site

The site gives priority to the veteran worker and specially the rural people. The Rural Manpower Service helps seasonal workers, agricultural and non-agricultural workers to find employment when out of work. There are special sections for physically challenged people or those with certain disabilities. This site also educates people on the insurance benefits they can avail from the state if they are registered as unemployed. All this is being done to reduce the number of unemployed people by helping them get more jobs or suitable vocations.

Sc Unemployment Office Locations

All 46 counties of South Carolina have offices for this purpose and they all are well equipped and networked to ensure that its residents benefit from this scheme.

Sc Unemployment Insurance

This insurance scheme is a benefit provided by the state and other authorized government bodies to the unemployed. These benefits are based on a mandatory governmental system of insurance. The sum of money being paid depends on jurisdiction and present status of the person. This money usually covers basic welfare needs of the person and his dependents, if any. The compensation is proportionate to the time and money lost between his last salary earned and his present status. The benefit is generally given to those who register themselves as unemployed on the SC unemployment site. There are certain underlying conditions before being able to benefit from the scheme.

Claiming An Insurance Benefit

The unemployed person has to meet certain legal criterion, after which they become eligible for SC unemployment benefits. The following necessary conditions need to be fulfilled:

* The person must have been laid off on no fault of his/her.

* The person should have worked for an employer who has paid taxes in their name.

* The person must have been employed for at least a year before being laid off.

http://www.scesonline.com is an online information site of the state of South Carolina offering dedicated inputs on job trainings, opportunities, and back-to-work related services. It is a subsidiary site of the SC Department of Employment And Workforce (http://www.sces.org). SC Unemployment helps you to get information and fast answers on Unemployment Insurance, compensation and benefits, extensions, filing unemployment and help with your job search.

Is Unemployment Compensation Taxable on My 2009 Tax Return?

With all of the layoffs resulting from businesses going out of business, it's important for you to know whether or not unemployment benefits received during 2009 are taxable and also how to report those unemployment benefits when filing your 2009 tax returns. There is some good news, that a portion of the unemployment taxes are not taxable for 2009.

As a consequence of President Barack Obama signing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the first $2,400 of unemployment income received during 2009 will not be taxable income. This section of the new legislation, is an improvement from the prior year, because for many unemployed workers, the first $2,400 of unemployment benefits received in 2009 will not be subject to taxes.

With millions of Americans out of work, this piece of legislation provides some relief, in the form of a tax break for unemployed taxpayers. Under this new tax law, each person who receives unemployment benefits during 2009 is eligible to exclude the first $2,400 of these benefits when they file their 2009 tax returns.

Withholding on unemployment benefits was not mandatory during 2009. Therefore, for those taxpayers who had proper withholdings, they will now be able to avoid a surprise and a year-end tax bill or possibly a penalty for not paying sufficient taxes based on the unemployed benefits received in excess of the $2400 threshold. It's sad, since you would think that the unemployed, now more than ever, have to give back a portion of those tax benefits that were received in excess of $2400 to the government, when they probably really need that money for food and other basic necessities for the family.

For those individuals unfamiliar with the forms and believe they have received unemployment compensation, the unemployment compensation is shown on Form 1099-G. The taxpayer would report the unemployment compensation on line 3 of Form 1040EZ, line 13 of Form 1040 A or line 19 of Form 1040. Further, if you made contributions to a government unemployment compensation program, then you are required to reduce the amount you report on Form 1040 by the total amount of those contributions that you made to a governmental unemployment compensation program. Also, if you received an overpayment of any unemployment compensation during 2009 and you have to repay any of that amount in 2009, then reduce the amount you report by the amount you repaid.

For those individuals seeking more information about the treatment of overpayment and for other information concerning the taxability of unemployment compensation please refer to IRS Publication 525.

To learn more about filing your taxes early in January 2010 and special 1040EZ program, please visit http://www.sl-cpa.net/form1040taxes.php and register in our secured portal for the 2009 tax season and you will lock into our special pre tax season 1040EZ price, a monthly tax and accounting newsletter and over 50 financial web based calculators at no additional charge.

Sandor Lenner,CPA/MBA has over 35 years of accounting experience and is also a Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor.He works part-time with Susan Missal Lenner, P.A. http://www.sl-cpa.net

2011年5月24日 星期二

Point Made: How to Write Like the Nation's Top Advocates

Point Made: How to Write Like the Nation's Top AdvocatesWith Point Made, legal writing expert Ross Guberman throws a life preserver to attorneys, who are under more pressure than ever to produce compelling prose. What is the strongest opening for a motion or brief? How to draft winning headings? How to tell a persuasive story when the record is dry and dense? The answers are "more science than art," says Guberman, who has analyzed stellar arguments by distinguished attorneys to develop step-by-step instructions for achieving the results you want.
The author takes an empirical approach, drawing heavily on the writings of the nation's 50 most influential lawyers, including Barack Obama, John Roberts, Elena Kagan, Ted Olson, and David Boies. Their strategies, demystified and broken down into specific, learnable techniques, become a detailed writing guide full of practical models. In FCC v. Fox, for example, Kathleen Sullivan conjures the potentially dangerous, unintended consequences of finding for the other side (the "Why Should I Care?" technique). Arguing against allowing the FCC to continue fining broadcasters that let the "F-word" slip out, she highlights the chilling effect these fines have on America's radio and TV stations, "discouraging live programming altogether, with attendant loss to valuable and vibrant programming that has long been part of American culture."
Each chapter of Point Made focuses on a typically tough challenge, providing a strategic roadmap and practical tips along with annotated examples of how prominent attorneys have resolved that challenge in varied trial and appellate briefs. Short examples and explanations with engaging titles--"Brass Tacks," "Talk to Yourself," "Russian Doll"--deliver weighty materials with a light tone, making the guidelines easy to remember and apply.

Price: $19.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年5月23日 星期一

Unemployment Powerpoint Template - Unemployment Powerpoint (PPT) Presentation

Unemployment Powerpoint Template - Unemployment Powerpoint (PPT) PresentationInteractive PowerPoint templates are available for Unemployment PowerPoint presentations. The ppt templates are amazingly designed to make wonderful Unemployment PowerPoint presentations.
The above PowerPoint (ppt) template is designed by expert designers.
Unemployment PowerPoint template is editable and ppt template can be customized according to the need and also the above Unemployment PowerPoint template is very attractive and made according to the topic. This PowerPoint template is compatible on all versions of Microsoft office.Just be a successful presenter by using PowerPoint template for your Unemployment PowerPoint presentation.The above PowerPoint templates have realistic images with fabulous PowerPoint background and PowerPoint themes.


Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年5月22日 星期日

A New Professionally written Job Interview eBook. Top commissions!

A new, professionally written eBook by John Kador, a publisher author & career expert offering readers an 8-step system to achieving job interview success. High-unemployment combined with a quality product will ensure high conversions! Top commissions!

Check it out!

Unemployment Insurance Facts

Because of the increasing necessity to protect your home from foreclosure you are in a position of having to seek out information; you need to know the unemployment insurance facts. Unemployment insurance may be the protection you are searching for, but you have to be sure.

Here are some of the basic unemployment insurance facts for you to consider.

Unemployment is Rising and Increasing the Need for Unemployment Protection

Unemployment in the United States is increasing each and every month as nearly two million jobs were lost in the first 11 months of 2008. More jobs are expected to be lost in 2009 as projections are of another two millions jobs to vanish in the upcoming year.

Facing the challenges of unemployment requires planning ahead. There are many ways to get through the tough times caused by the loss of your job. Most people attempt to put away money in their savings account for just such an occurrence. This is one type of protection, but it can be difficult to do and unemployment for a couple of months can really cripple your savings. Unemployment insurance can give you added protection through these times at an affordable cost.

Government Unemployment Assistance May Not Be Enough

The average pay out per month for state unemployment assistance is only $378. While this could come in handy and does not cost you a monthly premium, you have to decide if it will be enough to help you out with your mortgage and other monthly bills.

The Unemployment Insurance Market is Growing

This means you as a consumer now have available to you more complete and flexible coverage options and at better rates. The market is also reaching far into the online insurance industry and allows for you to seek out providers and compare their rates and policies.

Unemployment Insurance Rates Are Straightforward

Compared to other lines of insurance such as life insurance and car insurance, the premiums for unemployment insurance are not as complex. Unemployment insurance rates are based upon the amount of coverage you are seeking. They have nothing to do with your credit score, medical history (unless you also get disability insurance) or driving record. There is no magic formula to calculate your premiums-everyone is equal and you get what you pay for.

While there is still more to learn about unemployment insurance rates, you now have a basic understanding of how this type of insurance works and how it may help you out in tough financial circumstances. Unemployment insurance can be an affordable and practical way to protect your home in these difficult economic times, though you should not go into the transaction blindly.

2011年5月21日 星期六

Giving Finances a Breather Through Loans for Unemployed

Martin graduated of the college with dreams of a highflying career. However, the subsequent unemployment put a check on his dreams. It has now become a matter of making the ends meet because of the various debts mounting up on his account and the unemployment allowance falling deficient of meeting even the basic needs.

Almost every unemployed person faces a situation similar to the above until they are exposed to loans for unemployed. Loans for unemployed present various options before unemployed people to enable them to purchase the various necessities along with a lump sum payment for repayment of debts, buying holidays, and for purchasing cars.

Stable financial income is a prerequisite for the normal loans. Going by this logic, an unemployed person would have never qualified for a normal loan because of an absence of any source of income. However, since unemployment is not a rare incident and because the unemployed people cannot be left to fend for themselves (humanitarian grounds), loan providers have designed a few criteria that will make the unemployed people eligible for financial assistance.

Being a homeowner minimises most of the risk emanating out of unemployment. The loan provider knows that in the event of the borrower not repaying the loan in full, it can utilise the home to recover the amount unpaid. The minor degree of risk is reflected in a lower rate of interest and more flexible terms.

The home kept as collateral, has more of a nominal rather than a tangible role in the Loans for unemployed. The loan provider holds the right of ownership to the house rather than the house itself. Thus, the borrower continues living in the home while the home continues backing the loan.

To be more concise, the loan for unemployed is taken against the equity in the home. This is the value, in terms of money, that a house will fetch if sold in the market. As a loan is taken, the equity in the home depletes. The equity is gradually replenished with monthly or quarterly repayments.

The method that a borrower chooses to benefit from the loan for unemployed further classifies them into two. These are Home Equity Loan and a Home Equity Line of Credit better known as a HELOC. Under a home equity loan, a borrower draws the entire amount at one count. This is particularly when the borrower has sizable expenses to make. Debt consolidation is the most popular use to which the home equity loan is put to. The small unemployment grant from the government is not able to sustain the borrower's expenses during the term of unemployment, and a mound of debts gets collected during the period. Cheap finance through home equity loans will present an easier method to repay such debts. Another important uses that a home equity loan is employed to are buying a car, paying the bills incurred while vacationing, and using it for home improvements, that in turn adds up to the equity in the home and thus opens newer opportunities for getting loans.

A home equity loan however, will not suit the cases where the period of unemployment is predicted to last long. Having used up the entire equity in home, the borrower will be left with nothing to pay for his necessities during the subsequent period. In this case, a home equity line of credit will be more suitable. HELOC provides assistance to the borrower as and when the needs arise. Since the balance of the HELOC changes regularly with the repayments and withdrawals, the borrower is charged on the loan amount drawn rather than the entire loan sanctioned. The interest in HELOC is charged on the basis of the standard variable rate. This proves disadvantageous for borrowers at times when there is an upward surge in the interest rate. The interest rates rise and increase the repayments in turn. A novel method of escaping the high interest rates will be by requesting for a guaranteed introductory rate.

The financial options for unemployed people without sufficient collateral are no less. A perfect credit report will play an important role in their case by inspiring confidence among the loan providers regarding the borrower's capability to repay loans for unemployed. Interest rates will certainly be different because of the absence of collateral. Like the unsecured loans, unsecured loans for unemployed carry a higher rate of interest.

Loans for unemployed show that the unemployed people do not have to subsist solely on a meagre grant from the government. Numerous deals from a multitude of loan providers are waiting for the unemployed people to employ loans for unemployed to disburse their expenses.

Andrew baker has done his masters in finance from CPIT.He is engaged in providing free,professional,and independent advice to the residents of the UK.He works for the Secured loan web site loans fiesta for any type of loans in uk,secured loans,unsecured loans,debt consolidation loans please visit http://www.loansfiesta.co.uk

2011年5月20日 星期五

How to Build a Mother of a Business..

Learn and Model how this unemployed, homeless and pregnant singleton morphed into "the entrepreneurial mother" building a 7-figure business, during guilt-free school hours... Why? because Business gives you Lifestyle to be the Parent you long to be.

Check it out!

Unemployment Bankruptcy: Is It Really That Bad?

At present, experiencing a job loss usually means an extended period of unemployment. Work is very hard to come by these days, more so if you're talking about decent paying good jobs. Naturally if you've just experienced a job loss, you won't want to deal with long term unemployment. But there may come a time that you won't have a choice. And sometimes, even if you fight tooth and nail for months to find employment, you might still end up without work and find yourself in unemployment bankruptcy.

If you have the cash to sustain you throughout an extended period, then count yourself lucky. However if you don't or if you feel that the cash won't last until you find a new job, then you might want to consider filing for unemployment bankruptcy.

The words unemployment and bankruptcy put together might prove to be a very frightening possibility. What could be worse than having no cash and being unemployed at the same time? Actually, this kind of reasoning is faulty. While yes, unemployment bankruptcy means that you are on the verge of losing much of what you own; it doesn't mean it's the end of the world.

Unemployment bankruptcy also means that you can avail of the government's help to get back on your feet. If you do qualify, government will provide you with a monthly allowance, depending on what state you're in and your current financial status.

If you want to avail of the benefits of unemployment bankruptcy or any form of unemployment compensation for that matter, it would be advisable that you first go to an experienced lawyer for help. Even if you think you know a thing or two about the government's assistance programs for the unemployed, nothing beats the technical knowledge and experience of a lawyer.

On your way to filing for unemployment you might come across some snags and delays because you mixed up your documents or failed to provide copies of certain files. Or you could end up applying for the wrong kinds of benefits. Having the services of an experienced divorce lawyer can greatly help you circumvent most eventualities because they will know what benefits you can qualify for and what options are most suitable to your current condition with your lawyer. Trust in your lawyer and you will be able to collect unemployment benefits in no time. Unemployment bankruptcy may not be that bad, after all.

R. Trammel feels fortunate to bring financial recovery to those who are laid off, downsized, and unemployed. However, R. Trammel, a paralegal at Allmand and Lee, believes those affected by the radical change in the economy can protect their assets during these difficult times, until they are able to re-establish a stable income.

Rance witnesses the struggles and heavy burdens of unemployment through his clients' experiences, he knows that it is about more than just financial calamity. In the blog Secrets About Unemployment, he writes on the great future that lies beyond unemployment, and the legal implications of the common proactive steps that unemployed people can take. He covers everything tax-related topics, to post-resignation depression, the effects on the family unit, and personal finances.

2011年5月18日 星期三

Unemployed Debt Consolidation - When You Have Reached Your Financial Brink

There have been a lot of arguments against debts as being a very insecure situation. They are denounced as having many repercussions which penetrate a person's social, moral, individual, family level. This is true to some extent. I can say this because you are looking for debt consolidation. You are in debt and of course overwhelmed by it. But a debt consolidation loan for unemployed is exactly what you need when you are confronted by a volley of loans.

Paying interest each month on various loans implies extra burden on finances. Being unemployed your financial position is unyielding. Debt consolidation for unemployed is primarily lower interest loan. Debt consolidation for unemployed merges various loans into a single consolidated loan. Unemployed make single payment each month which pays for the various unpaid debts. The monthly payment with unemployed debt consolidation is also lower therefore making it easier for you to meet financial demands each month. With unemployed debt consolidation you deal with only one loan lender therefore, money management also becomes easier.

Unemployed debt consolidation works extremely advantageously for consolidation of credit card loans, unsecured loans, auto loans, educational loans, home equity loans etc. Debt consolidation for unemployed is accessible in both its secured and unsecured forms. This seems like a jargon? It is considerably easily to understand.

Unemployed unsecured debt consolidation involves no security. With its secured equivalent security is requisite. Security can be your car title, your home, real estate or any valuable asset. Homeowner unemployed debt consolidation entails your home as security. It comes with many benefits. A homeowner debt consolidation for unemployed gets approved for higher amounts; the interest rates are comparatively lower. The amount that can be borrowed is from £5,000-£75,000. If the equity in your property sanctions, the unemployed debt consolidation amount can be much higher - up to 125% of your home value. The repayment can be extended from 5-25 years depending on the amount borrowed.

Unsecured debt consolidation for unemployed is meant for tenants with no security to place. Unemployed homeowners not very keen to place their home as collateral, can also get for unsecured unemployed debt consolidation. Unemployed can borrow amount from £500-£25000 for debt consolidation. In addition to getting more control over finances debt consolidation for unemployed come with added benefits of discount, short repayment term and flexibility with respect to repayment.

If you have poor credit rating, unemployed debt consolidation can help bettering it. Being steady with debt consolidation and making regular payments will show a resolve to making improvement on financial situation. No late payments with unemployed debt consolidation will show in your credit report and gradually improve credit.

Unemployed can hope to eliminate their debts in orderly fashion with debt consolidation. However, an unemployed borrower must look for lower interest rates and not just lower monthly cost. If low interest rates are coupled with low monthly payment then debt consolidation makes great sense for unemployed people. Unemployed debt consolidation can save you from filing from bankruptcy.

Also, you might be leading yourself to financial disaster if even after debt consolidation, you make no efforts to manage your money. Going back to your credit card and multiple debt ways is like a slow financial suicide. Management of money is a must after debt consolidation for unemployed. Stop using your credit cards if you want to make any progress with unemployed debt consolidation. If debt condition is very poor then an unemployed should look for debt counseling before getting debt consolidation loan.

Shop around and research. Look for better rates and terms available for unemployed. Being hasty with unemployed debt consolidation might make you an easy target of predatory lending.

Not all your debt problems will vanish in thin air. But gradually you will see how finances see a new light during unemployment with debt consolidation for unemployed. You are not only improving money status but changing your standard of living for the better. Isn't peace of mind the most desirable thing in ones mind? You are unemployed and peace of mind is nowhere near you. This is your once chance to get that. This is your chance - unemployed debt consolidation.

Scarlette started on a horse back and had a few falls herself. Therefore, she knows. Financial decisions are to be made after considerable thought and backed by good financial understanding. Her articles might introduce you to financial sense without any falls. She suffers from no injuries now. To find all types of lonas for unemployed UK Residents please visit http://www.loansforunemployed.co.uk

Full name of the author - Scarlette Riley

How to Find Unemployment Income Protection

In these uncertain times, we are all taking considerable measures to save more and spend less of our hard earned money. We are facing our fears and realizing that unemployment can become a reality for all of us. Financial experts tell us that, ideally, we should have enough money in savings to get through 6 months of unemployment. In actuality, there's probably not enough savings in our rainy day fund to get us through much more than a few weeks.

The Government Gives You Minimal Unemployment Income Protection

The Federal government instituted unemployment benefits during the great depression. However, the government will give you no greater than 50% of what your previous salary was, and there is a set maximum you are able to receive each week. It's unlikely that unemployment benefits will be enough to pay your bills-- let alone support the quality of life you're used to. You should also know that if you are self-employed and can't find work, you are not eligible for government unemployment benefits.

Insurance, Insurance, Insurance

There are several insurance policies you can sign up for that will give you unemployment income protection. The three policies you should seriously consider are income payment protection insurance, mortgage payment protection insurance, and loan payment protection insurance. All three types will support you through the stress of unemployment.

Unemployment Income Protection for Your Salary

You depend on your salary to pay your bills, buy food, keep your home, and put gas in your car. Income protection insurance will give you a monthly lump sum, tax free, to keep your quality of life intact. When taking out a policy, you determine the amount you will receive each month based on your salary. This is the broadest form of unemployment income protection as you decide where to put the money that comes in. It is also the most policy with the highest premiums. Should you become unemployed, you have a safety net of cash flow waiting to catch you. 

Unemployment Income Protection for Your Mortgage

Your biggest monthly payment is likely to be your mortgage. If your home goes into default, not only do you have the anxiety of being unemployed, you and your family can soon face foreclosure. Unemployment mortgage protection insurance will pay your mortgage loan for a certain amount of time. This policy will safeguard the future in your home and give you time to get back on your feet and enter into the work force again.

Unemployment Income Protection for Your Loans

Unless you're an above average American, then you have several lines of revolving credit requiring a monthly payment. Loan protection insurance is designed to pay your monthly debt obligations in full. This policy will take care of the basics such as your school loans and car payment.  

Getting Started 

With all the forms of unemployment income protection available, you don't have to go a single month without the cash you need. Find an insurance agent online or locally to help you decide if this type of protection fits your needs and concerns. Do your research and get started finding the unemployment income protection that will meet your needs today!

You need to work more than part time, and self employed individuals and seasonal and temporary employees are not eligible for mortgage payment insurance. Companies may even consider how long one has been self employed as well. 

You may want to consider this protection if the loss of your job would put your family in a hardship position. Consider the cost of the monthly premiums, the likelihood of loosing your job, and the potential stress and financial difficulty that would come from difficulty in paying your home loan to decide if this protection is right for you. Take charge of your financial future and do your research to see if mortgage payment protection insurance is right for you!

Every American should take the appropriate steps to safeguard their family in the event of unemployment. Mortgage income protection insurance is designed to pay out a cash benefit in the event that you become unemployed. Visit http://www.mortgageincomeprotectioninsurance.com today!

2011年5月17日 星期二

JobFish 2010 Software For Job Seekers: Find Employment, Register With Online Job Boards, Automate Job Search, Career Finder, Manage Your Resume, Manage Contacts, Task List, and More

JobFish 2010 Software For Job Seekers: Find Employment, Register With Online Job Boards, Automate Job Search, Career Finder, Manage Your Resume, Manage Contacts, Task List, and MoreGet your career back on track by managing your job search and finding exciting employment opportunities. JobFish 2010 is a Windows XP/Vista/7 application that takes the frustration out of finding jobs. JobFish 2010 helps you navigate the job boards, identify full time and part time jobs that are a match for your career goals, and manage your communications with potential employers. The software even handles your EDD unemployment benefits paperwork. Learn more about using JobFish 2010 for your next job search.
Work with search results, contact management, reports, weekly EDD unemployment benefits claims reports, recruiters, and so much more! Get a new job, new life, and higher salary.


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2011年5月16日 星期一

Things You Should Know About the Unemployment Department

So many people feel guilty or ashamed by the need to file for unemployment. They worry that the unemployment department will be judgmental or make them feel as though they've done something wrong for simply filing for unemployment benefits.

With the advent of so much new technology, the markets are changing dramatically and there is much corporate restructuring. Employees are being laid off even when they've done nothing wrong.

If this has happened to you, don't believe it's your fault. It is quite normal to be angry and upset. Some people become depressed when they lose their jobs.

The unemployment department does more than just process your unemployment claim. They can help you to locate and access various resources designed to help you cope with the stress of unemployment until you do eventually find a new job.

Unemployment benefits are not a form of welfare, nor are they free money from the government. The funds were paid into an unemployment account by your former employer to cover you and your income in the event that you became unemployed.

As long as you became unemployed through no fault of your own, you are rightfully entitled to file for unemployment benefits. But there is much more that the unemployment department can do for you than simply process your claim.

The unemployment department was created to help people who have lost their jobs and need some assistance to get back on their feet. You may have been fired or the company might have downsized or you might have even become too ill to continue working.

No matter what your circumstances, as long as you're no longer working, you are entitled to call your state unemployment department to ask questions about your benefits or even about your eligibility for unemployment benefits.

Many individual state unemployment departments may also be able to help you with job placement and training programs.

Job transitioning is never easy for anyone, so always remember that there is plenty of help available, along with community resources. You might even be eligible for emergency financial assistance if your circumstances have become quite difficult.

A quick visit to an unemployment department website will also show you options you might have for replacement health care coverage now that your former employer is no longer taking care of your health care.

Call your local unemployment office and discuss your options. You'll be surprised at how willing the staff are to help you get through this time in your life.

Tom Vecchio has helped thousands of people file for unemployment. He researches unemployment benefits compensation denials and strategies and claims. Learn more at http://Unemployment.ME

Collecting Unemployment Insurance Benefits


With the economy as it is today, people everywhere are facing job cuts and layoffs. If you are currently unemployed, you may be eligible to collect unemployment insurance benefits while you are out of work. The purpose of unemployment insurance is to provide people who have become unemployed through no fault of their own with money payments for a set period of time until they find a new job

Eligibility for unemployment insurance is established by general Federal guidelines. Additional eligibility requirements are set by each individual state, such as money amounts and period of pay. These requirements will vary from state to state, but it helps to know some of the general guidelines for collecting benefits. This article explains some of the more general requirements for unemployment eligibility.

Eligibility Requirements for Unemployment Benefits

A person who files for unemployment insurance benefits must meet several eligibility requirements. In order to be eligible, you must:

Be unemployed, either totally or partially

Be monetarily eligible (received sufficient wages during the previous employment- this varies by state)

Be unemployed through no fault of your own (being laid off = no fault)

Meet weekly requirements each week benefits are collected. These weekly requirements include: Being physically and mentally able to work; actively seeking employment and being ready to accept work; filing weekly claims in a timely manner

In some instances, be approved to attend training courses before benefits can be collected. If you are already attending a form of training, you might not need to fulfill the "seeking employment" requirement listed above.

Probably the most important factor here is being unemployed "through no fault of your own". This means that you cannot collect unemployment if you have been fired or voluntarily left employment (i.e., if you quit). However, in some instances you may still be eligible if you voluntarily ceased employment for "good cause", which is determined by state authorities through a hearing. Finally, benefits collected through unemployment must be declared in tax statements.

Disqualification from Unemployment

Several factors may disqualify you from receiving unemployment insurance benefits. You might be disqualified if you:

Quit your job without having "good cause"
Were fired or discharged for misconduct
Were released due to illness (though you may be eligible for disability)
Resigned in order to get married
Were self-employed
Were involved in a dispute over labor issues
Attended school

If any the above applies to you, check with your state's Unemployment Office to see if there are any available remedies or options for you. You will likely be subject to a scheduled interview to provide the office with more details of your separation. Benefits could be reduced or denied accordingly.

When and How Do I File? Documents and Information Needed for Filing

You should file for unemployment benefits as soon as possible after severance from work. It is to your advantage to do so quickly because it usually takes at least a few weeks before you collect your first check. Also, you need to give the Unemployment Office some time in case they need to conduct follow-up interviews.

Every state has an Unemployment Office which you may contact over the phone or through their website. You will need the following basic information and documents for filing:

Your social security number
If you are not a U.S. citizen, an Alien Registration Card
Your full mailing address
A phone number where you can be reached
Contact information of past employers from the previous two years (i.e., names, addresses, dates of employment)

How Much Will I Be Paid? Can My Collection Period Be Extended?

Both the amount you will be paid and the number of weeks you may collect are subject to change, and vary from state to state. Usually the amount you will be paid is half of your earnings, or half of the state's average weekly earnings.

For most states, the maximum number of weeks you may collect a check is 26 weeks, though several states have a maximum of up to 99 weeks. Also, Congress often changes the deadlines for collection. For example, Congress recently voted [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/04/12/AR2010041203337.html] to extend collection periods in certain instances where time has lapsed.

Again, check with your local office to determine the amount of wages you are entitled to receive and the number of weeks after unemployment that you are eligible.


The times can be demanding, and authorities are doing what they can to assist people while preventing abuses of the unemployment system. If you have recently become unemployed, check to see what options you have available under the general guidelines given above. If you are currently employed, be mindful that if you leave your job, the way you do so can affect your unemployment eligibility.

If you need further assistance, contact a lawyer through LegalMatch.com who can explain these matters in-depth.

Ken LaMance is the Corporate Counsel at LegalMatch, an online client-lawyer matching company based out of South San Francisco, California. LegalMatch is fast, free, and confidential. LegalMatch is America's original attorney/client matching service and is not a referral service. When a consumer presents their issue to LegalMatch, our system matches the consumer's case to LegalMatch lawyers in their city or county based on the specifics of the consumer's case, lawyer's location, and area of legal practice. LegalMatch also offers a number of useful resources like an online law library, tips, law blog, and forums ( http://forums.legalmatch.com/ ) on nearly every topic.

2011年5月15日 星期日

How to Write and Sell your Own Ebook

Want to write and sell your own ebook? This easy to follow ebook is packed with a series of short bootcamp exercises which guide you step by step through the entire ebook process - writing your ebook, building your website, accepting credit cards & more!

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1921 photo Harding arriving at Unemployment1921 photo Harding arriving at Unemployment


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2011年5月14日 星期六

Help With Unemployment Claims And Unemployment Compensation

When you're down on your luck and find yourself without a job, don't fret. Count yourself among the hundreds of people who are currently unemployed. The state of today's economy doesn't really provide the best environment for jobs. So don't feel too down about your job loss. The problem that really tends to bother people during a job loss is the loss of income. The inability to have money to pay for basic amenities such as food and water are frightening prospects. One of the safest possible ways to remedy this is to apply for unemployment compensation.

Unemployment compensation is a universally offered service in the United States. Specific rules governing the service vary from state to state. However there are general rules regarding unemployment benefits that are applicable to all states and they are as follows: The previous employer must be covered by unemployment insurance. Second, the job loss must not have resulted from a personal misconduct or a consensual filing of a resignation letter. Breaking any of these categories will probably mean a bit of trouble in your applying for government help. Generally speaking however, workers displaced by plant shutdowns or seasonal lay-offs can avail of the service.

With regards to the specifics, try to research on the details of the unemployment benefits offered by the state you're in to see whether or not you qualify for the benefits even before you apply. If you think you fit the requirements then file for unemployment compensation at the nearest state unemployment compensation office as soon as possible. If you are denied compensation then you can actually go for an unemployment appeal. There are a number of cases where in people are denied benefits by error. So if denied file an appeal ASAP.

Also, to make sure that things don't get too messy when you're applying for unemployment compensation, you may want to acquire the services of an experienced lawyer to help you out. An experienced attorney will be able to clearly tell you your options regarding your unemployment as well as help you with your unemployment appeal should your first claim be rejected. They will also be able to negotiate with the authorities on your behalf so that your filing for unemployment compensation has a better chance of being accepted.

Being jobless is a problem. However, it doesn't have to be the wrecking ball that shatters your hopes. Remember, there's unemployment compensation. Equipping yourself with the right knowledge and finding the right unemployed help will give you all that you need to get out of the rut you're in right now.

R. Trammel feels fortunate to bring financial recovery to those who are laid off, downsized, and unemployed. However, R. Trammel, a paralegal at Allmand and Lee, believes those affected by the radical change in the economy can protect their assets during these difficult times, until they are able to re-establish a stable income.

Rance witnesses the struggles and heavy burdens of unemployment through his clients' experiences, he knows that it is about more than just financial calamity. In the blog Secrets About Unemployment, he writes on the great future that lies beyond unemployment, and the legal implications of the common proactive steps that unemployed people can take. He covers everything tax-related topics, to post-resignation depression, the effects on the family unit, and personal finances.